He Heals the Broken-hearted

February 26, 2019 by  
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus

By Nina Medrano –

Life is a series of relationships. Some are good, some bad, some long-term, some short-term, some that warm the heart, and some that grieve the soul.I remember when I thought I was so in love that I overlooked the fact that I was in a harmful relationship. Oftentimes, in a harmful situation we deceive ourselves into thinking that we can change the other person. Thus, we remain in a destructive relationship.

In my case, when the relationship ended, I grieved for years. It felt like part of my soul died, and, truth be known, part of it did. I locked myself in my bedroom crying and sleeping for a year.  When friends or family came to check on me I was not good company. Often, I would not even take their calls.

During that season, memories flooded my soul. Of course, it was the good memories that would pull at me to return. They served as enticements to allure me back into this harmful relationship.  As I entertained those thoughts I would reason ways to make this relationship work. Of course, I was lying to myself.

I am reminded of the Apostle Paul’s writing to the Romans regarding the strife that goes on in the human heart: But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me” (Romans 7:23 NLT).

It was a daily fight.

It took almost a year for my broken body to mend and heal. Yet, my soul continued to grieve. I knew that the healing of my soul would come from my relationship with my heavenly Father, so I made every effort to draw close to Him. I prayed and studied His Word continuously and surrounded myself with godly people. Soon thereafter, I sensed God was drawing closer to me as well. From then on, I began to heal. The second year was less painful and by the third year, God had restored my joy and peace of mind.

During this process I learned the power of forgiveness “and that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through Christ for the pulling down of strongholds” (II Corinthians 10: 3-5 NLT).

Now, when the painful memories surface, I quickly forgive the offender and ask God to heal the event, and God takes care of the rest.

Nina Medrano is a native Texan who writes for The Christian Pulse and a church blog, www.cotrwomensministry.blogspot.com.

About Nina Medrano

Nina has served the Lord Jesus Christ in Children’s, Women’s and Prison ministries in Texas, Mexico and Italy. Currently, she lives in West Texas and writes for her church Women’s Ministry blog at: http://www.cotrwomensministry.blogspot.com/
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7 Responses to “He Heals the Broken-hearted”
  1. Thank you Nina for touching my heart and soul with your writing! I pray that every lady that is/was in your same situation read this and find healing and take their eyes off of the situation and turn them to Him!

    Love and Blessings,

  2. Delia Mabry says:

    Nina, I commend you for your transparency and vulnerability coming forth in your article. You not only emphasized to the degree a harmful relationship fractures a heart but the affect it has on those around you. We have all experienced this so thanks for the reminder that God is the only solution and mender of our soul. Thank you so very much.


  3. Gloria Ayers says:

    It never ceases to amaze me how Nina hits the spot when it comes to our feelings and emotions. There is so much that is similar from one life to the next, and she describes so poignantly, she always touches a nerve in a very inspirational way. It made me rejoice to see and remember how God heals our every wound, and brings out of sad place into a more happier, more well rounded and stable situation. It is so good to read her writings.

  4. Lisa Sperry says:

    I really enjoyed your article. I went through a similar experience 7 years ago when I divorced a very controlling, abusive husband. I can relate to the feelings expressed in this article. My journey to wholeness took longer, but I eventually arrived at the end with my emotions intact thanks to God’s bountiful mercy. I know this type of emotional healing is available to all who will earnestly seek God. Bless you for your obedience to share your experience.

  5. Alan says:

    I enjoyed this article. We do take on a second nature when we come to Christ, and while we live we have an unending struggle between the two. This story was uplifting and reminds me that through forgiving others we can forgive ourselves.

  6. Norma Vera says:

    Good article Nina!

  7. Alan Brown says:

    I enjoyed this article. It is uplifting and encouraging, and reminds us that our most important relationship is with the Lord and that if that relationship is sound we can withstand the inevitable grieving that follows a failed relationship with one of our fellow human beings.

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