Book Review: Blood Ransom
February 17, 2019 by Lena Dooley
Filed under Books and Movies, Reviews
Written by Lisa Harris –
Reviewed by Lena Nelson Dooley –
Back Cover Copy:
Deep in the heart of Africa, two American lives are about to change forever
Natalie Sinclair is working to eradicate the diseases decimating whole villages in the Republic of Dhambizao when she meets Dr. Chad Talcott, a surgeon on sabbatical from a lucrative medical practice now volunteering at a small clinic.
Meanwhile, things are unraveling in Dhambizao. Joseph Komboli returns to his village to discover rebel soldiers abducting his family and friends. Those who were too old or weak to work lie motionless in the African soil. When Chad and Natalie decide to help Joseph expose this modern-day slave trade–and a high-ranking political figure involved in it–disaster nips at their heels.
Where is God in the Chaos? Will Chad, Natalie, and Joseph win their race against time?
Romance and adventure drive this powerful thriller about the modern-day slave trace and those who dare challenge it.
My Review:
I get a lot of books to read that are hard to put down when I need to, but with my schedule, I have to do it anyway. I’m thankful for the wet, cold weather today that allowed me to finish the book in only two days.
I love Chad, Natalie, and Joseph. Lisa showed us deep insight into their character while they faced seemingly insurmountable odds. Combine these people who stole my heart with the lush setting in the jungles and cities of a small African nation, then throw in suspense that played out at breakneck speed, bring in an American journalist, and you have BLOOD RANSOM. A story that each of us need to read. And a story that won’t let go of you when you read the last word.
I can hardly wait for the second book in this series to release. And I highly recommend this wonderful book.
ISBN 978-0-310-31905-4
Contemporary Suspense
Mission Hope Series, Book 1
Review for May by Lena Nelson Dooley, multi-published author of Love Finds You in Golden, New Mexico –