February 14, 2019 by Cynthia Ruchti
Filed under Daily Devotions, Life Topics
Some days seem like a tripped fire alarm—loud, unnerving, and adrenaline-spiking. Even when we hit our to-do lists hard, we sink deeper into task-debt, finding three new projects for every one we partially finish.
Slow down? Sure. We can do that.
We’ll just cut out…
No, not that. God called us to that. How about—?
No. God commanded that in His Word.
We’ll just eliminate…
Guilt writes more onto our to-do lists, not what we are compelled to do but the things we’d feel guilty refusing. Compassion for the needs of others loads our lists. Is there ever an end to people in need? If we set aside our false humility, we’d realize that pride jots its share of responsibilities.
Plant window boxes—because the neighbor has magazine-worthy window boxes. Sign the kids for soccer AND gymnastics, not because the kids are particularly sports-minded, but what kind of mother would you be if they weren’t offered every—every—opportunity? Take on another ministry at church because…well, because who turns down doing something for Jesus?
Those who sometimes have to say no so they can BE something for Jesus.
PRAYER: Lord, we don’t just need You to help fill out our to-do lists each day. We need Your wisdom to help us thin them, too.
“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths,” Proverbs 3:6 KJV.
Today’s devotional is by Cynthia Ruchti, author of They Almost Always Come Home ( She writes and produces THE HEARTBEAT OF THE HOME radio broadcast and serves as president of American Christian Fiction Writers. You can find Cynthia at or She writes stories of Hope-that-glows-in-the-dark.
Amen, Cindy!
My mom taught me this principle by example, often saying, “We need time just to BE.”
But I forget sometimes.
Thanks for the reminder.