The Greatest of These
February 9, 2019 by Jacqueline Hannah
Filed under Christian Life, For Her
By Jacqueline Hannah –
Many will immediately relate when I mention those mental lists that mothers keep close as ever-constant companions. The moment the alarm buzzes our brain awake each morning, we start prioritizing a game plan for the day. Some of us physically write our “to do’s” down.
There are the taxi runs, the grocery runs and, for many, the desire to run off some pounds. What about the laundry that keeps piling up alongside the laundry that needs folded, let alone put away?
Saving enough energy for interaction with our children presents a huge challenge. My hat is off in salute to the ladies who hold down an outside job along with their tasks required for mothering. How does one fit in the school plays, sports and band concerts, not to mention homework, spelling bee practice and science projects?
We might consider entreating the Lord, as Joshua did, to make the sun stand still. It would supply some additional hours in our day?
All of these events, situations and chores must be done – life happens. The every day things that swallow up our time also swallow up our energy, our patience, our joy. Accomplishing these tasks with a reasonable sense of self importance can be challenging; but there is something more important.
The question begs to be asked – how do we present ourselves in the midst of all the hustle and bustle? What attitude do we portray as we teach and train the lives entrusted into our care? What memories are created? Is the legacy positive?
God’s Word tells us in 1 Corinthians 13 that we may be able to accomplish many things and have great faith as well as sacrifice our desires and work our fingers to the bone. However, if all this is done without love, we gain nothing.
God describes love as patient and kind. It does not envy, boast or puff up. This kind of love is not rude, self-seeking or easily angered. Committed love does not keep a record of wrongs. God’s love does rejoice in truth, protects, trusts, always hopes and perseveres.
“But,” you say, “I can’t. I’m exhausted. It’s impossible to do one more thing.”
I know… but God can.
His word tells us to “trust the Lord and lean not on our own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:4-6) Remember He is the One who multiplied the loaves and fish – He can multiply your time. He created the world and everything in it… that means he can take what you entrust to Him and create “more” or “better.” He can take what you ask of Him and make it “exceeding, abundant, above all you can ask or think.” (Ephesians 3:20)
The challenge for moms… carve out some time that demonstrates God’s love to your children. While we can say many things over and over, it’s how we live among them that will be remembered.
The greatest of these is love.
Love this author! So smart and right on! Thank you! – Toni A. in Tualatin, OR
I want so much to be the mother that is fun and encouraging and yet there are times when I feel my rope running out! As sad as it sounds, there are days when nap time and bed time are what help me to get through the next few hours. With 3 babies under 3, sometimes .. just sometimes I need to put my perspective into check. My burdens of cooking, cleaning, bathing, scrubbing the carpet, laundry, and scrubbing the carpet again are nothing compared to the burden of MY sin that MY Savior carried to the cross. AND daily, I get rewarded with giggles, smiles and kisses. How often do I thank my Savior?