Road News
February 5, 2019 by Caro Jackson
Filed under Christian Life, Family Focus
Caroline T. Jackson –
We are on the road again…heading out to a remote part of Texas with vistas so wide and diverse that you might think that you were viewing more than the landscape of one state. This morning the air was crisp and fresh with the frosty due covering the hood of the truck and coating the shell of our Airstream, making it shine like a sparkling diamond. We spent yesterday bringing the “silver twinkie” out of hibernation and loading up with food, clothing, and enough books to last a season even though we only have about 10 days to take in the wide open spaces.
These trips, whether two weeks or two months are exercises in simple living even though we have all the comforts of home and technology right at hand. The frantic pace that we allow ourselves to be sucked into each day takes a step back, slows down to a more moderate rhythm. Meals become simple and time to take in the countryside with all its beauty takes precedence over the daily routine that we are accustomed to. A simple walk with the dogs has no time restraint….a short hike may turn into a day’s adventure and the evening sunset becomes an event as the kaleidoscope of colors dance around the sky as the sun sets for the day.
For us this time is used to renew our energy, our health and our frame of mind. Outdoors is just another room for us, a part of our persona, and we gain strength and perspective when we open that door. It is like a form of spring cleaning….out with the old and in with the new. For me it is an opportunity to pull out my paints or my pencil and share my inner most thoughts either through color or the written word. I may not share it with anyone but myself but I am freeing up my mind of minutia that brings me down. For my better half, he will spend time looking a nature through a very long lens and capturing some of God’s flighty creatures in moments of their daily routine of flight or feeding. The point is we are out in God’s creation soaking in the colors and textures that He has created and realizing how insignificant our minor issues are in the scheme of life.
I guess the bottom line is that this type of trip, which we are fortunate to take, allows us to take stock of ourselves and in doing so opens up new opportunities in our minds….to stretch our knowledge, to try something new, and to recharge our batteries. God’s gift to us is right in front of our eyes….we have only to open them.
Your article gave me a feeling of tranquility and pause in the midst of a hectic day. Thanks.