The Learning Curve of Marriage

January 31, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Family

When my husband and I said, “I Do,” we had all the answers. He was a mature 28 year-old and I had listened to Focus on the Family since I was 9! Besides, my maiden name was Lovejoy: our home would be filled with love and joy! We were experts!

It didn’t take long, however, for that bubble to burst. As the wind was knocked out of me I began to see that knowing the answers and practicing them are two totally different things.

I was devastated that we were struggling. When we added children, the frustrations multiplied as we were exhausted and we both felt unappreciated. We had to face the facts: Marriage is hard!

The union between two people is no picnic. We go into it googly-eyed and wake up disgusted with our mates, and at other times frustrated with ourselves for how we are treating our beloved. I remember the disappointment I felt when I realized I wasn’t the perfect wife…and often I was the opposite. I was (am) so selfish. It hit me one day that just as our children grow into adults, we will be “growing into marriage” for the rest of our lives.

I was free—free to mess-up, free to love, free to stop worrying so much. We aren’t supposed to have all the answers on our wedding day. Instead, we’re going to be learning and growing into this large thing called “marriage” until one of us “checks out.” Aaaah…

You aren’t supposed to know it all. And here is the kicker—neither is your spouse. So go easy on each other. You’re still learning.

PRAYER: Lord, help us to go easy on each other, even when we’re still learning twenty, thirty, or forty years into marriage.

“For I am sure of this very thing, that the one who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus,” Philippians 1:6 NET.
Today’s devotion is by Sharon Lovejoy Autry. She’s been growing into her marriage with Pat for 16 years. Sharon is co-founder of Mom and Loving It Ministries, setting women free to impact the next generation. The Autry’s live in Texas with their 3 children. For marriage and mom resources visit

About Sharon Autry

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