Haiti: Jesus or Judgment?
January 28, 2019 by Melodie Fleming
Filed under Daily Devotions, Life Topics
Is God judging Haiti? After all, this is a country known for its witchcraft and child slavery. Did God finally zap them?
I had a college professor who once insinuated that God doesn’t do things like that. In the cafeteria of my Baptist college, students debated whether or not AIDS was God’s judgment on homosexuals. Some felt a loving God would not do such a thing. I pointed out that God once sent poisonous snakes as a wake up call to his children in the wilderness.
My professor was incredulous, “Do you think God actually did that?” he asked.
“The Bible says he did,” I replied. (See Numbers 21.)
According to the Bible, our loving God sometimes takes desperate measures to get the attention of the people He created. So, is that what is happening with earthquakes and AIDS?
My answer is this: Be very careful about drawing conclusions.
Does that sound like fence sitting? Perhaps. But to me, it’s fearing God.
To say that God would not do such a thing is to subject God to our limited understanding of love. He is simply not bound by our definitions.
But to say He has judged another person, or another people group, is presuming someone else deserves more judgment than you do!
Jesus addressed such an issue in Luke 13. Some people were discussing a group of Galileans who were killed by Pilate. We don’t know exactly what they said, but they must have implied that the Galileans were experiencing God’s judgment.
“Do you think they were worse sinners than you?” Jesus responded. “Think again! Unless you repent, you’ll all perish like that!” (See Luke 13:3-5 for His real words.)
When calamity strikes, soul searching is the proper response. To check out the other guy’s guilt is wrong. To evaluate our own relationship with God is right.
Another right response is compassion. God is glorified when His children demonstrate His love. Now is the time to extend a helping hand to Haiti. Many Christian charities are helping out. I hope you will do what you can.
And don’t forget to pray.
PRAYER: Father, have mercy on the people of Haiti and have mercy on me.
“I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish,” Luke 13:3-5 KJV.
Today’s devotion is by Melodie Fleming, an author, teacher, pastor’s wife, and enthusiastic mom. She is currently pursuing joy in God. You can visit her blog Get Real! Connecting With God In Everyday Life at www.melodiefleming.blogspot.com.
That was very good!