Serving Cheerfully

January 8, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship

By Virginia Smith

I am not fond of housework. I know some people love it, but to me, washing dishes is torture, laundry is capital punishment and the vacuum cleaner is something to be avoided at all costs. So I was shocked when an unwelcome idea came to mind one day as I prayed for my friend Judy, who was recovering from a prolonged illness. You should volunteer to clean her house. I tried to dismiss it, to laugh it off as a rogue thought from an overactive imagination. But no matter how much I disliked the idea, I knew that spiritual nudge of rightness had to be from the Lord. Reluctantly but obediently, I called Judy and made the offer.

The next day, armed with rubber gloves and Lemon Pledge, I arrived for my dreaded act of service. “Lord,” I prayed as I got out of the car, “I’m doing this because I love Judy and I love You. Please help me do it cheerfully.” Then I plastered a smile on my face and went inside.

The next few hours were spent washing dishes, dusting furniture, mopping floors and scrubbing toilets. Judy put on a CD and we talked nonstop as Christian music filled the house. I had such a good time I hardly noticed I was cleaning. When I left that afternoon her house sparkled, and I was surprised to realize that I had rarely spent a more enjoyable day. I drove home thanking the Lord for the reminder of a powerful lesson. When we serve others, we’re offering a gift to God. He not only blesses our efforts, He blesses us through the gift of our service. And He really does love a cheerful giver.

PRAYER: Awesome God, today please show me how I can serve someone. Let me serve cheerfully so I will be a conduit for Your love.

“Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver,” II Corinthians 9:7, KJV.

Today’s devotional is by Virginia Smith, the author of over a dozen novels including Stuck in the Middle, which was a finalist for the 2009 American Christian Fiction Writers Book of the Year award. To celebrate the release of her newest book, Third Time’s a Charm, Ginny is hosting an awesome Prize Bonanza Giveaway on her website. Learn more at

About Virginia Smith

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One Response to “Serving Cheerfully”
  1. Christine Thomas says:

    I’ve been in a similar situation a few times, so could easily relate to your article. Very well-said!

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