Artist Spotlight: Fee

April 19, 2015 by  
Filed under Featured, Music Spotlight

By Claire Walden

Fee consists of four guys based out of Georgia. They started recording music back in 2003, when the group was known as Steve Fee. A couple of years ago they changed their name to simply Fee. They have reached thousands of people touring worldwide and leading worship.

“Hope Rising” is their second major album released from INO records. The overall theme of the album is God’s presence, and the hope and praise that we give to Him. The album is balanced with upbeat melodies to moments of surrender in softer ballads.

The opening track, “Rise and Sing” is an anthem of praise that will force you out of your seat and lose all your awareness for what’s around you. It’s full of energy and powerful lyrics that make you want to shout from the top of your lungs. The song begins with various revelations in life and then calls people out to “rise and sing” about “our God [that] is risen and reigning” and how “we’re elevating the glory of our God and King.” It’s such a simple truth that holds so much power in the life we live.

“Everything Falls” is another one of my favorite songs off this album. It captures every person’s vulnerability and struggle in this life, and yet, we have a God that gives us hope in the trials we persevere through. “When everything falls a part my strength is gone, I find you mighty and strong,” these words echo in my head and provide a strong sense of comfort. The lyrics unfold the recognition that without God, we are nothing. He is the only thing that can get us through the day; it is His strength and mercy that we are given.

From start to finish, “Hope Rising” is a compilation of beautifully crafted worship songs to sing at church or blast in your car driving down the highway. Check them out at

About Claire Walden

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