The Priority Shift

By Cami Checketts –

As we begin a new year, I always get excited to write a list of goals and envision how I’m going to improve myself and my family’s life throughout the year. But life changed at the Checketts’ home in 2010. I used to feel I was efficient and organized. I used to have a monthly goals and daily to-do lists and if I didn’t work towards each goal every day I would get frustrated with myself.

My fourth baby has recently changed all of that. My number one goal is to hold, love, and savor each moment with this chubby baby. If I don’t make it to the gym, turn on my computer, or fold the laundry, I don’t allow myself to obsess over my lack of ambition.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t have goals or write up a list of New Year’s Resolutions because those are extremely important and motivating things. We should always be trying to improve ourselves and the world around us. But sometimes we can go too far, get so wrapped up in the to-do list and forget about what’s most important. Maybe in our goal-setting this New Year we should make sure that some of those goals are focused on improving our spirituality and making it possible for us to slow down and focus more on family and those who matter most.

This is especially true if you and your family are overloaded with activities, going through a hard time at work or school or have health or family issues. Slowing down and focusing on the essentials will make it possible to accomplish the important things—things like scripture study, prayer, family meals, family activities and serving others.

I pray each of you will have a wonderful New Year and be able to accomplish the goals you’re setting for yourself while still focusing on what matters most.

Cami Checketts is a wife, mother of four boys, exercise scientist, and author.  –

About Cami Checketts

Cami Checketts is a wife, mother of four boys, fitness consultant, and author. Please refer to her blogs for more information - -
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2 Responses to “The Priority Shift”
  1. Hally Franz says:

    We enjoy those one-time items that can be checked off — so satisfying. The every day tasks of attending to the needs of our children and spiritual health don’t come off the list, so may not seem as productive. Those are two of the most productive endeavors.
    Thanks, Cami!

  2. Good point. I write down everything I accomplish, even if it is folding the laundry!

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