
By Kathy Carlton Willis –

No, it’s not a typo! Rather than celebrating Thanksgiving once a year, let’s show our gratitude by Thanksliving. Thanksgiving can be a reminder for Christians to daily count our many blessings. As the old song goes, do we really name them one by one? If I were to journal my blessings, I could not find a book large enough to contain the list.

Our Lord enjoys our praises. Psalm 92:1 (KJV) says, “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord.” God inhabits praise, meaning He is in the midst of praise. How often do we just take Him for granted?

My pastor shared a quote from Shakespeare that says, “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth is an ungrateful child.” He compared the serpent to the devil and the ungrateful child to God’s children who neglect to thank and praise their Heavenly Father. This really hits home. American children have been accused of developing a sense of entitlement. They believe they have a right to receive certain things regardless of whether they act responsibly or show appreciation. Perhaps we, as God’s children, are also guilty of feeling entitled to His blessings. Thankfully, He loves us in spite of our shortcomings. When we realize it is because of who He is, rather than who we are, we can come to Him just as we are and thank Him for the many showers of blessings.

AUTHOR QUOTE: So, this Thanksgiving, I’m going to work more on living a life of thankfulness. Then, I will be ThanksLIVING.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” (James 1:17 KJV).

Today’s devotional is by Kathy Carlton Willis, Christ-servant, wife to Russ, editor, publicist, certified CLASSeminars speaker and faculty member. Kathy Carlton Willis Communications encompasses her many passions. Kathy’s tagline captures her essence—Light & Lively: His Reflection/Her Laughter. Schedule Kathy for a speaking event or contact her firm for promotional assistance. KCWC gets jazzed shining the light on God’s writers and speakers.

About Kathy Carlton Willis

Kathy Carlton Willis shines, whether she’s shining the light on God’s writers and speakers, or reflecting God’s Light during her speaking programs. She is Christ-servant, wife to Russ, editor, publicist, certified CLASSeminars faculty and AWSA member. KCW Communications encompasses her many passions. Schedule Kathy for a speaking event or contact her firm for promotional assistance. Learn more at
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One Response to “Thanksliving”
  1. Robin J. Steinweg says:

    YES! That’s really, really living. That’s how I want to be, moment to moment. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord–thank You, Father, for every breath You give me.
    Thanks, Kathy, for lifting my heart to praise again and again.

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