Winning the Lottery

April 4, 2019 by  
Filed under Daily Devotions, Worship

By James Pence –

Have you ever wondered what you would feel like if you won a million dollars in the lottery? Or came into a huge inheritance? Or discovered oil on your land?

I don’t play the lottery. I have no millionaire relatives. And I don’t own the mineral rights to my land. Thus, none of these windfalls are likely to be coming my way. However, I do have an imagination. And from time to time I have allowed myself to fantasize about how I would react if I suddenly came into a huge amount of money.

I can see myself now, outside, dancing in my front yard, shouting “Woohoo!” until the 100+ degree Texas heat causes me to keel over from heat exhaustion. In other words, I suspect I would act like a crazy person.

With that in mind, I cannot help but feel guilty when I read in the Psalms: “I rejoice in the lifestyle prescribed by your rules as if they were riches of all kinds” (Psalm 119:14, NET).

Hmmmmmm. When was the last time I was outside, dancing in my front yard and shouting “Woohoo!” about the Christian life? When was the last time I was so overwhelmed with joy in God’s commands that I looked and acted like a crazy person?

Yet repeatedly, the Scriptures declare themselves to be a treasure far surpassing the most opulent worldly wealth.

At one point, the psalmist declares God’s words to be, “of greater value than gold, than even a great amount of pure gold” (Psalm 19:10a, NET). In another place, the psalmist writes, “The law you have revealed is more important to me than thousands of pieces of gold and silver” (Psalm 119:72, NET).

At this writing, gold is selling for just under $1,200.00 an ounce; silver is a bit cheaper at about $18.00 per ounce. But which of us would turn up our noses if someone offered us thousands of pieces of silver and gold? Yet often my Bible gathers dust while I watch TV or devote my attention to matters that have no eternal significance. Often I place a greater priority on the things of this world rather than on things above.

Do I really believe that God’s Word and my relationship to Him are more valuable than great riches?

If so, how should my life reflect that?

Just wondering.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to value You as the ultimate treasure, of supreme worth. And grant that my life, priorities, and choices may reflect that value.

“The law you have revealed is more important to me than thousands of pieces of gold and silver” (Psalm 119:72, NET).

Today’s devotion is by James H. Pence. James is an author, speaker, singer, and gospel chalk artist, but prefers to be known as a follower of Jesus and a storyteller. To learn more about James and how he draws the stories of your heart, visit his website at:

About James Pence

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One Response to “Winning the Lottery”
  1. Beautifully expressed, James….you speak to and for all of us. Makes me want to go out in the yard and dance about Him! Thank you for your wise words.

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