Embarrassing Gas
February 8, 2019 by Cheri Cowell
Filed under Daily Devotions, Humorous
Today when I left the house on my way to pick up editors from the airport for the Florida Christian Writers Conference, I stopped by to get gas. I was running a little late so hoped the pumps were extra fast. When I jumped out of the car, the wind nearly knocked me over. So, rather than let my hair get whipped into a nest, I decided to flip down that little lock on the pump handle that allows me to leave the nozzle pumping while I go sit in the car. The pump stopped and I jumped out and yanked the nozzle out of the car- you guessed it- without releasing the lock.
I poured gas all over my left pant leg.
Now, I already told you I was running late, and need I remind you, I’m picking editors up at the airport and reek of gas. So I run into the gas station bathroom, remove my pants, and wash the pant leg in the sink with soap and water. Then I dry them for a few minutes under the blower, slip them back on, and jump back in the car, with a wet pant leg from the knee down and still smelling of gas. As I’m driving I’m thinking, some impression I’m gonna make. Then I thought about my situation and how this was a great illustration of how funny we are in our spiritual life- its like we’ve gas all over us.
We reek with sin.
Yet, because we are so busy—running to get to the next thing—we wash ourselves in the sink— we go to church, we do some good deed, we manage to lead a respectable life—and think we’re clean. But the truth is, we still stink. There is only one way to get rid of the stench, and that’s a washing from the inside where the real dirt and grime reside. The sink isn’t going to do it. We need a power-wash and that only occurs when we slow down, submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit, and (here’s the key) listen to what He says. Today, He got my attention. I had my agenda, and He said, “wait a minute there, girl. This isn’t happening on your time scale. That’s not the deal here. So, give it back to Me. I have this, if you’ll give Me the reins.”
AUTHOR QUOTE: In what ways are you rinsing your clothes in the sink? Conversely, what areas of your inner life do you need to submit to a real cleansing of the Holy Spirit?
“Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity,” Matthew 23: 26-28 KJV.
Cheri Cowell was chosen as one of six Christian journalists for an Israeli Ministry of Tourism sponsored tour of the Holy Land in November 2009. To learn more about Cheri’s ministry, visit her website www.CheriCowell.com
Good word, Cheri!
Thanks, Cheri. Great devotional!