Even For Them

November 7, 2018 by  
Filed under Family

Slamming the front door, I'd march into the house shouting, "I hate you!” My sweet, even-tempered mother would calmly walk into my room and say, "Now Cheri, I can see you are angry, but you really don't hate anyone. You may dislike or even hate what they do, but you don't hate them. After all, they, too, were created by God.”

I hated that. When you are angry, it takes all of the punch out of your anger to admit you love the person God created, but not necessarily what they are doing. A lot of people fall into this category—no longer the people God created them to be. Yet, God created everyone to live in union with Him.

My mother’s admonishment was not a declaration of innocence or guilt; it was about judgment and love. She was trying to teach me a different standard for judging others, a standard that would be a foundation for understanding how God could sacrifice His only Son for those so undeserving. Later it would become a foundation for accepting how Christ could die for me. Now I know that her teaching was true; everything and everyone was created by God, and therefore worthy to be saved—you and me, and yes—even them.

PRAYER: Dear God, help me see others the way You do.

“For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly,” Romans 5:6 NET.

Cheri Cowell, a student at Asbury Theological Seminary (Orlando), writes and speaks on the deep questions of faith. Her first book—Direction: Discernment for the Decisions of Your Life (Beacon Hill)—is a biblically-sound, no nonsense approach to making God-centered life choices. For comments or to inquire about her speaking schedule, visit www.DirectionAndDiscernment.com.

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