Maybe You Are Wrong

July 7, 2023 by  
Filed under Faith, Find Your Calling

By Dan Miller  

Recently, I spent an all-day workshop with Seth Godin in New York City.  Seth is the author of several books that include Permission Marketing, Purple Cow, Prize Inside and The Dip.  He is known for his contrarian wisdom – seeing things in new and innovative ways.  Thus the title Purple Cow.  Seth says brown, white or black cows don’t grab our attention – but a purple one would.  His challenge – what are you doing in your work or business that is remarkable – that would get attention?

Here are some thoughts shared during his unusual workshop:
•People who go to the edge grow – average is just average
•If you’re not offending people, you’re not telling a story that will be retold
•Don’t lead with how you are better – lead with how you can help
•Most people excel because they had the guts to risk failing
•If you try too hard to make money as you help people, you will fail at both

In his latest book, The Dip, Seth destroys the commonly accepted statement, “Winners never quit; quitters never win.”  He says that’s rubbish; winners know when to quit and start in a new direction.

I seek out books, seminars and workshops that challenge my thinking.  Maybe I’ve been wrong on an issue or belief.  Do you welcome having someone question your beliefs and practices?  Or, do you defend your current knowledge and understanding of most issues?  What have you done this year to force yourself to grow philosophically, psychologically and spiritually?  
“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.”  — F. Scott Fitzgerald, US author

About the Author:
Dan Miller considers himself a “social entrepreneur.”  As such he looks for innovative ways to reshape negative systems.  Our concept of “work” is a striking example of a negative system.  Our culture allows us to view work as a necessary evil or even a curse from God.  Clichés like “Thank God it’s Friday” and our eagerness for retirement convey our distaste for our daily work.  In his best-selling book, 48 Days to the Work You Love, Dan shows how work can be a meaningful, fulfilling part of an authentic life.
As co-host of 48 Days to the Work You Love online radio show, Dan shares his process for developing a focused, balanced and truly successful life.  Dan’s principles have been clarified in his books, 48 Days To The Work You Love, The Rudder of the Day, 48 Days To Creative Income and the upcoming No More Mondays.  For free articles:


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